(photo by Denis Hevey)
OK So its a new year and you are READY. I mean really ready to commit and make it great. I mean you are really ready! You are going to be nicer to people and not let things get to you so much…….and then you get bad news and it ruins your LIFE!!!!! SO TOTALLY UNFAIR… You may be suffering from some weak Emotional Intelligence. So what is this E. Q. thing anyway. Well David Caruso says, “it is not the opposite of of intelligence, it is not the triumph of heart over head – it is the unique intersection of both.” So in other words, this is getting your right brain and left brain firing together – thinking and feeling holistically.
So how and why should this matter to you? Interestingly, from many different ways of looking at it, E. Q accounts for a significant amount of your likelihood to be successful – in business and in your personal life.
Here is just one example of how this may effect you: you may think “I am ready to change the world!!!!” but your staff may not feel read. If you move ahead without building your team up, they will likely not go along with you. But if everyone feels protected safe and secure, your team is likely to soar right along with you.
You may not be able to change your I.Q., but here is the great news! You can change your E.Q. Here is how! Find a supportive group that will help you grow especially in the area of forgiveness especially those who are particularly hard to get along with! OK I did not say it would be easy but it can be done!
– Here is to keeping that New Year’s resolution and to growing into the whole person you want to be.
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