What Coaching is Sam best known for?
Some people have frustrating, infuriating and or painful experiences that are holding them back from being the WHOLE person that they were designed by their creator to be. Sam helps people turn the annoyances and hurts in life into the catalyst for change to become the calm, loving and supportive SELF -LEADER that they always knew was inside of them all along. Sam guides people to regain control of themselves so that they can find mastery in their families, careers, and themselves.
“Sam truly has helped me be the strong, confident person that I have been depriving myself of for years. Sam’s personality and approach guided me through my own fears and premonitions, and helped me see I was creating my own limitations. Sam has an outstanding personality and provides clear concise no nonsense advice that keeps me focused and on track towards a better me.” ~ Clyde
So just what is a Life Coach or a Leadership Coach?
A life coach is a trained professional who can help you through the process of developing and implementing the steps you need in order to attain a desired outcome. Or maybe you just need that little bit extra to overcome an obstacle to manifest your dreams. A leadership coach likewise can help you implement the steps you need to move forward in your career – be it personal advancement, development of a business plan, or finishing that project you have been working on.
What is professional coaching?
ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential, which is particularly important in today’s uncertain and complex environment. Coaches honor the client as the expert in his or her life and work and believe every client is creative, resourceful and whole. Standing on this foundation, the coach’s responsibility is to:
- Discover, clarify, and align with what the client wants to achieve
- Encourage client self-discovery
- Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies
- Hold the client responsible and accountable
This process helps clients dramatically improve their outlook on work and life, while improving their leadership skills and unlocking their potential.
For more information on coaching see here.
How can you determine if coaching is right for you?
Start by summarizing what you would expect to accomplish in coaching. When an individual or business has a fairly clear idea of the desired outcome, a coaching partnership can be a useful tool for developing a strategy for how to achieve that outcome with greater ease. Since coaching is a partnership, ask yourself whether collaboration, other viewpoints, and new perspectives are valued. Also, ask yourself whether you or your business is ready to devote the time and the energy to making real changes. If the answer is yes, then coaching may be a beneficial way to grow and develop.
Coaching is BEST done on the phone/skype in order to be able to envision and dream better. Learn more about my coaching training and philosophy here.
I subscribe to and follow the Ethical code from the Center for Credentialing &
Education (CCE) the certification body for the Board Certified Coach (BCC): http://cce-global.org/Downloads/Ethics/BCCcodeofethics.pdf
” You will seldom experience regret for anything that you have done. It is what you have not done that will torment you” – Wayne Dyer